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July 6, 2020

MS Teams Live Events: The best option for your online event

What is Microsoft Teams Live Events?

Microsoft Teams Live Events is a feature within Microsoft Teams that allows you to share online content with a large number of participants inside or outside your company. This event allows you to broadcast streaming video, where presenters can simultaneously share their presentation and camera, in addition to having the option of enabling a chat for the attendees.

How to organize events with Microsoft Teams Live Events

Many companies that participate in or carry out events, workshops, meetups, or seminars in person, have been in the same situation during this state of confinement. We have had to cancel or postpone them without being able to determine when we can pick them up again. That is why the organization and management of online events have become a key solution to resume our activity.

As Microsoft Teams users, we have the option to create two types of events in our calendar: a meeting or a live event. Let’s see the differences between them.

Microsoft Teams Meetings

  • It is prepared to be able to organize meetings remotely in a secure way.
  • You have the option of inviting users from outside your company.
  • After the last update on July 8th, it supports up to 1,000 people online.
  • All attendees can share their audio, webcams, and desktops.
  • Attendees can participate in the whiteboard integration by drawing, sketching, or writing together on a shared digital canvas. 
  • It is not available to obtain a report from attendees.

Microsoft Teams Live Events

  • They are designed for presentation-style meetings, where attendees are spectators and consume content.
  • Support multiple presenters.
  • Allow up to 20,000 attendees, who do not need a MS Teams account to attend.
  • There are 3 available roles: presenter, producer, and assistant.
  • You can set up a chat to answer questions from attendees. The moderator or presenter can decide whether the answer is public or private, discard repeated questions or make announcements to the audience.
  • They generate three documents at the end of the event: the recording of the session, the attendance report, and the question and answer report.

How to create an event with MS Teams Live Events

It’s as easy as going to the calendar and displaying the New Meeting option and choosing Live Event. After that:

  • Select the date and time.
  • Invite the producers and presenters (each will have a different view of the screen).
  • Select the different options for attendance permits, chats, and reports according to the needs of your event.
  • Once finished, a URL will be created for you to share with the attendees of the event.


The first and most important point in choosing this tool for your online event is that during a Teams meeting any attendee can connect their microphone and/or camera or take control of the desk. This can totally break the rhythm of the presentation for both the presenter and the attendees.

In addition, with MS Teams Live Events, you have the certainty of being able to access attendance reports after the event, which is impossible with a meeting. Simply wait until the event is over and download them.

Another very interesting feature is being able to configure and exercise full control over the question and answer chat, filtering those that are interesting for public viewing, answering them in private, discarding repeated questions or making announcements to all attendees.

As a final point, Live events are recorded and stored so that they can be used as commercial or educational material.

At Plain Concepts, we have specialized in the management, organization, and broadcasting of online events through the Microsoft Teams Live Events platform. A complete technical and marketing team will make your events look the same as if they were a face-to-face event, thanks to the latest technologies developed, such as Virtual Stages.

Management of registration and promotion, design of the event brand image, gamification, real-time evaluation of the presentations, or we cover any need you have for your event.

To see some of our events produced with Microsoft Teams Live Events you can visit our knowledge section.

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Plain Concepts

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