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July 9, 2021

The best tech books you should read

It is the time of year when we have the most free time, when we like to disconnect, but it is also the ideal time to read and catch up. 

We didn’t want to spend the opportunity to share with you the best tech books, so who better than our expert colleagues to make the recommendations? We asked them to think about the best books related to our sector and they have done their homework because they have left us a very interesting list of their favorites and a brief explanation of why they are worth it.

Here we go!

Building Microservices: Designing Fine-Grained Systems | Sam Newman

Building Microservices

Recommended by Otto Fernando Pflücker López. 

Many times programmers don’t understand how to design a microservice well and integrate it into a complete system and this book is perfect to put an end to this problem”. 

C# in depth | Jon Skeet

C# in depth 

Recommended by Luis Fernández Barba. 

It explains in-depth aspects of the C# language that are not usually explained in books”. 

Clean Architecture: A Craftsman’s Guide to Software Structure and Design: A Craftsman’s Guide to Software Structure and Design | Robert Martin

Clean Architecture 

Recommended by Otto Fernando Pflücker López. 

Useful tips for the design of complete solutions”. 

Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship | Robert Martin | Tech

clean code book


 Recommended by Otto Fernando Pflücker López. 

Contains useful tips for software design”. 

Designing Data-Intensive Applications: The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems | Martin Kleppmann

Designing Data Book 

Recommended by Otto Fernando Pflücker López.  

Useful tips on data-intensive design solutions”. 

Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software | Eric Evans

Domain driven design book 

Recommended by Otto Fernando Pflücker López.  

“Important reflections on software design”. 

Effective java | Joshua Bloch

Effective Java book 

Recommended by Leonardo Hervé Miceli Moreno. 

A book to learn how to do things right in java. All the good practices together and the explanation is excellent”. 

El hombre anúmerico | Jhon Allen Paulos

El hombre anúmerico libro 

Recommended by Unai Zorrilla. 

Extreme Programming Explained | Kent Beck with Cynthia Andres

Extreme Programming Explained book


Recommended by Miguel Cruz. 

All kinds of best practices in software development. Also methodology 

Functional Programming in Scala | Paul Chiusano & Rúnar Bjarnason

Functional Programming in Scala book 

Recommended by Miguel Cruz. 

“Functional programming paradigm” 

 NoSQL Distilled | Pramod J. Sadalage, Martin Fowler

NoSQL Distilled book 

Recommended by Jorge Saura Fillat. 

“A very good explanation about NoSQL technologies, their history, their motivation and the basic principles on how to implement them 

Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture | Martin Fowler

Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture book 

Recommended by Victor Quintana Novalbos. 

Great resume for Patterns”. 

Software Systems Architecture: Working With Stakeholders Using Viewpoints and Perspectives | Nick Rozanski, Eóin Woods

Software Systems Architecture book 

Recommended by Victor Quintana Novalbos. 

One of the best books on software systems architecture”. 

Test-Driven Development | Kent Beck

Test Driven Development book 

Recommended by Miguel Cruz. 

The Software Craftsman: Professionalism, Pragmatism, Pride | Sandra Mancuso

The Software Craftsman book


Definitely one of our colleagues’ favorites! 

Recommended by: Jesús Arnas, Juan María Laó y Miguel Cruz. 

The passion in expressing himself, and how I identified with many of the things he said: to strive to be good professionals, that our profession goes ahead of the company we are in”. 

“Professionalism in software development 

Working Effectively with Legacy Code | Michael C. Feathers

Working effectively with Legacy Code book 

Recommended by Otto Fernando Pflücker López.  

“Useful software design tips when dealing with legacy solutions”. 


And for you, what are the best tech books? We would love to know your opinion and increase the list, so do not hesitate to leave us a comment on social networks.

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